Found out in the end, Cardinal George Pell’s accuser – no doubt briefed by his lawyer on PR tonality – pretends the system is to blame for not sustaining a bullshit story like his:
It is difficult in child sex abuse matters to satisfy a criminal court that the offending has occurred beyond the shadow of a doubt. It is a very high standard to meet – a very heavy burden. There are a lot of checks and balances in the criminal justice system and the appeal process is one of them. I respect that.”
Also predictably, “J” urges sexual abuse victims – presumably, he means real ones – not to be discouraged from coming forward to report their experiences to authorities. Thanks largely to the orchestrated travesty he was at the centre of, however, the lives and well-being of such people are now at far graver risk than before. It is by no means extravagant to argue the sinister Get Pell campaign will destroy, even kill, many people deserving justice. Instead of “I’m OK” neurotic waffle, “J” should have said sorry, explained why he did it, perhaps even shed light on the extent to which he was manipulated and by whom. That would be a real service to the truly vulnerable. It would reassure them that the fate of false claims needn’t be the fate of their genuine ones.